Dr Katy Burgess, BSc (Hons), PhD, SFHEA, CPsychol.
Founder, T-FΨN
Katy Burgess is a cognitive psychologist interested in how we learn and remember information. Katy completed her undergraduate psychology degree in Durham University, before moving to Cardiff University to complete a PhD in associative learning and reasoning. Katy spent two years in clinical settings using learning principles to help rehabilitate patients with brain injury, then returned to academia in teaching-focused roles in 2015.
Katy noticed that teaching-focused positions vary in their scope across institutions, and that there was limited support for career development and networking compared to those on traditional teaching and research pathways. To help support colleagues nationally and internationally, Katy decided to initiate a network of teaching-focused psychologists (and those in related disciplines) to consider how the study of human behaviour can improve student experience and learning in Higher Education. Katy is particularly passionate about applying our knowledge from cognitive literature to ensure students receive the optimal learning environment, and to empower students to use these strategies to continue learning in their professional lives. Katy’s main areas of interest include the testing effect, errorful learning, and inclusive teaching practices. Follow her on X @drkaty88 and see her webpages for more information. Contact burgesskv@cardiff.ac.uk
Professor Louise Taylor, PhD, NTF, PFHEA, CPsychol.
Co-founder, T-FΨN
Louise Taylor is a Professor of Education and Student Experience at Oxford Brookes University, where she teaches psychology in the School of Psychology, Social Work and Public Health. She is a National Teaching Fellow and Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, recognised for her leadership in teaching and research to support student identities and inclusion. Her research applies psychological theory to understand what makes successful learning and teaching, both in the contexts of the marketisation of higher education and ethnicity degree-awarding gaps.
Louise has published in leading journals including Studies in Higher Education and Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, and she is Senior Editor for the Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice. Her teaching toolkit ‘Balancing Students’ Identities as Learners and Consumers’ was published by Advance HE and is freely available for educators to use to support conversations with students about their identities. She mentors a number of staff in learning and teaching focused career pathways and supervises PhD and EdD Professional Doctorate students on teaching and learning related projects. Follow her on X @L_Psychol and see her webpages for more information. Contact louise.e.taylor@brookes.ac.uk